Pós-graduação em Higiene Veterinária

e Processamento Tecnológico P.O.A
  • Português
  • English
  • Español

Support to
the Student




Admission to the Post-graduation Program does not imply receiving grants, which depends on the resources allocated to the Program. Grants are given based on the rules published by the financing organizations and the standards of the Program.

The main research financing organizations with ties to the Post-graduation Program are CNPq (www.cnpq.br), CAPES, and FAPERJ (www.faperj.br).

These websites publish funding calls once a year, which may be used to develop research projects.
Other funding sources will be made public by the Post-Graduation Program Office.




Rua Vital Brazil Filho, nº 64
Niterói – RJ – CEP 24.230. 340



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