Pós-graduação em Higiene Veterinária

e Processamento Tecnológico P.O.A
  • Português
  • English
  • Español

Research Lines



  The Program has three (3) major lines of research.

The first of them is CONTROL AND QUALITY OF PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN(POAO), which is described as Microbiological and Physical-Chemical Quality Control of POAO, including sensory analysis, determination of micro and macro constituents, control of intentional and incidental additives and of microorganisms causing deterioration and food poisoning.

The second one is called INSPECTION, HYGIENE OF ANIMALS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES, which covers the entire field of knowledge of interest to the Sanitary Inspection of Products of Animal Origin; Public Health and Preventive Veterinary Medicine, regarding zoonoses, food poisoning, and productivity.

The third major line is called TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSING OF PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN, which involves the entire field of industrial processing of products of animal origin and derivatives, not only of interest to animal hygiene and health inspection but also to food science and the technological processes involved, including their derivatives.


Rua Vital Brazil Filho, nº 64
Niterói – RJ – CEP 24.230. 340



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