Pós-graduação em Higiene Veterinária

e Processamento Tecnológico P.O.A
  • Português
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  • Español

Partnerships with the productive sector



The Graduate Program in Veterinary Hygiene and Technological Processing of POAO(PPGHIGVET) has strengthened, over the years, its relations with the productive sector and the community, reaffirming its commitment to the application of academic knowledge for the benefit of society. This integration has been fundamental to identifying real demands, proposing innovative solutions, and promoting sustainable development in the areas of veterinary hygiene, food safety, and technological processing of products of animal origin.

Our partnerships involve different sectors of the production chain, including food industries, cooperatives, agribusinesses, consulting companies of the segment, and health inspection bodies. In addition, we maintain an ongoing dialogue with rural producers, third-sector organizations, and research institutions, promoting actions that generate positive impacts on quality control and safety of products intended for human consumption.

Among the main interactions, the following stand out:

PPGHIGVET remains committed to strengthening and expanding its approach with the productive sector, consolidating itself as a hub of scientific excellence and innovation. Our commitment is to contribute, in an ethical and collaborative way, to the construction of solutions that promote the advancement in knowledge, technological development, and sustainability, for the benefit of society as a whole.


Rua Vital Brazil Filho, nº 64
Niterói – RJ – CEP 24.230. 340



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