Pós-graduação em Higiene Veterinária

e Processamento Tecnológico P.O.A
  • Português
  • English
  • Español

Admission Process



I Master’s Degree

The admission process includes the following steps:
1. Admission test – Written test covering specific knowledge concerning the Post-graduation Program; to be finished in 3 hours (weighed score: 4).
2. English test – Written test; no dictionary allowed; to be finished in 2 h (weighed score: 2).
3. Examination of the Lattes Curriculum and of résumé – the presentation of the résumé lasts 15 min for each applicant, and has to be carried out using audiovisual methods (weighed score: 4).
3.1 The presentation of the résumé covers the reasons to apply to the MSC degree, discussing the following aspects:
3.1.1 Academic education – graduation, specialization, and other courses in the area.
3.2.2 Work record – technical, scientific, services, and other activities related with the area.
The applicant will be considered qualified when the weighed score for items 1, 2, and 3 is 6.0 or above.
Required documents
1. Recommendation letter (two copies)
2. Curriculum – Lattes model
3. Application form
4. Consent form for MSc
5. Receipt of payment of fee
Note: At the end of each stage, a partial result will be published, informing whether the applicant is qualified to proceed to the next stage. An appropriate time frame is allowed to dispute results. The final score is sent by e-mail or in person by the Coordination of the Post-graduation Program.

II Phd Degree

The admission process includes the following steps:
1. Examination of curriculum (weighed score: 4).
2. Presentation and analysis of project, including a personal presentation to last 30 min (maximum), when audiovisual resources should be used (weighed score: 4).
3. English proficiency test to last 2 h (maximum). Dictionaries are not allowed (weighed score: 2).
The applicant will be considered classified when the weighed score of items 1, 2, and 3 is 6.0 or over.
Required documents
1. Acceptance by a supervisor
2. Recommendation letter (two copies)
3. Curriculum vitae – Lattes model
4. Application form
5. Preliminary version of a research project
6. Consent form for PhD
7. Receipt of payment of fee
Note: At the end of each stage, a partial result will be published, informing whether the applicant is qualified to proceed to the next stage. An appropriate time frame is allowed to dispute results. The final score is sent by e-mail or in person by the Coordination of the Post-graduation Program.


Rua Vital Brazil Filho, nº 64
Niterói – RJ – CEP 24.230. 340



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