Pós-graduação em Higiene Veterinária

e Processamento Tecnológico P.O.A



Currently the Post-graduation Program has nine laboratories in association with the Department of Food Technology (MTA), namely the Laboratory of Food Microbiological Control, Laboratory of Physicochemical Control of Foods, Laboratory of Sanitation and Technology in Fishing, Laboratory of Sanitation and Technology in Meat and Meat Products, Laboratory of Sanitation and Technology in the Egg and Poultry Industry, Laboratory of Sensorial Analysis of Food, Laboratory of Sanitation and Technology in the Dairy Industry, Laboratory of Meat Inspection, and Laboratory of Sanitation in the Aquatic Environment .

The Post-graduation Program also has ties with other Departments in the Veterinary College, such as the Department of Collective Veterinary Health and Public Health (MSV), which houses the Laboratory of Poultry Health, and the Laboratory of Molecular Epidemiology, as well as the Department of Zootechnology and Sustainable Agricultural, Sociological, and Environmental Development (MZO), which houses the Laboratory of Applied Ecology, Laboratory of Quantitative Genetics and Animal Improvement, and the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition.
All laboratories are appropriately equipped for the development of research in undergraduate and post-graduate studies, as well as lab classes at these teaching levels.


The Library of the Veterinary College is a member of the Documentation Nucleus, the organization that supervises the Library and Archives System of UFF. The system affords access of all undergraduate and post-graduate students of the University to all libraries in each College, campi, and study centers. As a member of the Library Content Exchange System for Higher Education Organizations in the state of Rio de Janeiro, the Library enables easy access to the other participant libraries.

The Library also grants access to full articles in peer-reviewed Brazilian and international journals, in addition to the participation in the online Library Exchange Service (COMUT) of the National Journal Bureau (CNN).


A computer resources room with 12 computers connected to the internet is made available to undergraduate and post-graduate students. Two Computer Science trainee students advise students constantly.
Students may also rely on statistical support from the Laboratory of Biostatistics, which has eight networked computers and trainees as well as a biostatistics professor to advise on the statistical treatment of data.


Rua Vital Brazil Filho, nº 64
Niterói – RJ – CEP 24.230. 340



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